Monday, December 16, 2013

The Blacktip Reef Shark

Hi Shark Team,

Today I want to tell you about the Blacktip Reef Shark. These sharks get their name because they have black markings on their fins AND because they live in coral reefs. Blacktip reef sharks are about 4 to 7 feet long.

The blacktip reef shark mainly eats small fish and shellfish. They feed with hundreds of other sharks and have to compete for their food. But blacktips don't travel far to eat. They pick a spot with plenty of food to eat and stay in that area.

Want to know something really cool? There are caves along the coast of Mexico with currents strong enough to pass water through reef sharks' gills. This lets them breathe without having to swim. Sometimes divers can find 20 or more taking a break in these caves!

Have you ever seen a Blacktip Reef Shark?


  1. Hutch and the rest of the Sharkteam, thanks again for another great post. I'm learning so much about these fascinating creatures. How many reef sharks can fit in one cave? I'm pretty sure I saw one today while I was driving to work. He had crazy eyes. Is that possible?? Thx.

  2. I would feel pretty safe around the Blacktip Reef Shark because he only eats small fish and shellfish. I'll bet there are some in the ocean near Lake Jackson since we have a lot of shrimp in the water. Also, Blacktips seem pretty smart since they stay in an area when it has a lot of food! Great job, shark team!!! (from McMamma)

  3. Another great post. I enjoyed the information on blacktips roaming about in confined underwater caves. Wow. What a sight to see!
    -Guess Posse
