The Sand Tiger Shark: These sharks, also known as Sand Sharks,Raggletooth Sharks and Grey Nurse Sharks, have curvy, pointy teeth that make them look like the meanest fish in the ocean. Because of the way their jaws are shaped, their teeth stick out even when their mouths are closed! The good news is that these sharks are not very aggressive at all and are not known to attack people, unless provoked. They live in warm waters all over the world, usually growing to around 10 feet in length. It is because of their scary appearance and calm behavior, they they are popular aquarium sharks. The look fierce, but seldom snack on their tank mates. One unique thing about Sand Tigers, is that they don't need to keep swimming to stay afloat. By gulping in big mouthfuls of air, the shark uses these air pockets like balloons, allowing it to hover without swimming. When a Sand Tiger wants to sink, it burps!
Here's a short video of showing the sharp, pointed teeth of this snaggle toothed predator:
Have you ever seen a Sand Tiger Shark?